by Virginia
I. CANADIAN CHECKS: Those of you residing in Canada please note. If you wish to pay by check please be sure that your bank make the check payable in “U.S. Funds.” A Canadian bank money order that is payable in Canadian funds cannot be cashed at my bank, it has to be sent for collection which takes time, screws up my book- keeping and may delay shipment to you, so please send your payment in Canadian bank money orders, or Canadian BROWN postal money order that are in U.S. Funds and not for domestic use in Canada. Please do not send your own personal checks. These are only pay- able in Canadian money and of course my bank here doesn't have it. Canadian currency is naturally cashable, but the mails being what they are these days currency is too easily lost and cannot be traced or replaced. In addition to this a service charge is made so that $5.00 Can- adian nets us $4.00 American and necessitates a letter to the sender.
II. FOREIGN READERS: It has for some time been necessary to inform new foreign readers writing in for information about our items, that the price list prices are for domestic U.S. consumption. That is, because they include domestic postal delivery. However, foreign postage is considerably higher - and going higher still shortly and thus we have to ask that the difference between domestic cost and the required foreign postage be paid by the cust- omer. This amounts to 50 cents extra for each issue of TVia and $1.00 for either the Wives book or the How to be a Woman book